- Why was she working anyway? She's rich. 真弄不懂她当初为什么要工作。她是有钱人呀。
- Why was she lagging behind in the preliminaries? 她预赛中为什么会落后?
- Why was she so unconscious and lady-like? 为什么她如此木然,装出贵夫人的仪态呢?
- Why was she so sleepy in class this morning? 为什么她在今天早上的课堂那么困呢?
- Why was she a noncompliant patient? 为什么是她一位非顺从的病人?
- Why was she voted the most beautiful woman in a magazine poll? 为何她会在杂志的投票选举中成为最美丽的女性?
- Why was she so angry with me? I bet this was your handiwork! 她为什么对我生气?我想肯定是你造成的!
- But she was illiterate herself. Why was she so anxious for me to study? 妈是不识字的,为什么这样催我念书呢?
- Jackie left the room. Inspector Walsh thought about her. Why was she suddenly angry? The room was quiet. 杰基离开了房间。沃尔什探长想,她为什么突然生气了?房间静悄悄的。
- We had always been so close -- why was she suddenly pushing me away? 我们一直都这么亲密--可不知什么原因她突然把我晾在了一边?
- Why was she nattering away about Haydon, of all things, when she was back with Rem at last? 她终于等到雷回来,有那么多事情可说,可为何她把话题扯到了海顿之上?
- He was ever so sorry. Was she ever mad! 他很抱歉。她非常疯狂!
- Brendan: But you usually just copy my work anyway! 布兰登:你通常不过就是随便抄我的而已吧。
- She work freelance so she do not have a regular income. 她是自由职业者,所以她没有固定收入。
- Be she a spaniard or an italian? 她是西班牙人还是意大利人?
- Why was she so miserable? 她为什么那么可怜?
- Why was he so bitter against me? 他为何对我如此刻薄?
- You can gain by watching how she works. 看她怎样工作就可获益。
- Why are you so down in the mouth, anyway? 不过,你为什么这么没精打采的?
- She worked over the first act of the play. 她重写了剧本的第一幕。